divendres, 8 de novembre del 2013


Miley Cyrus started her career as Disney star Hannah Montana when she was 13 years old. But a lot has changed since then. Today, aged 20, Miley is more famous for her music than her acting. She has a new rock star image too. Her fourth album is out now. You're sure to love Miley's catchy single "We Can't Stop"!

My Last Summer

Hello my name is Paula and today I'm going to talk about my last summer.
First I'm going to talk about Banyoles.
Second I'm going to talk about Palamós.
During the time I was in Banyoles I go to the Parc de la Draga with my friends every afternoon. It was where people went, and there you were with everyone.
I also went to the Summer Carnival, and it was very great. First, there was a parade through the city, and then everyone was on the Draga.
The summer was fantastic in Banyoles
Later, I went to Palamós with Guillem, Mar and Tània. Were going to the beach every day, to buy clothes in Platja d'Aro...
I spent two weeks there, and I enjoyed very much. We met many kids and we made ​​many new friends. Any night we go to Platja d' Aro, Palamós or beach.

And we watch the meteor shower that made a night on the roof of a friend.
Then, I came back again to Banyoles and we go to the Festes del Tura.
This summer has been a summer to remember.